We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. As always, it was super busy, but we saw pretty much our whole family so it was worth it. A run down of our weekend:
We spent Thanksgiving Day with Rob's family, at my in-laws. This was our first Thanksgiving with his family (previous years we have spent it with my Dad's family), I know they were excited to have us there (actually, to have the boys there, but I like to pretend people like to see Rob and I). Rob's aunts, uncles and cousins were at dinner, so there were nearly 30 of us. We had a fabulous feast and then rounded out the evening with some serious games of Left-Right-Center and Pass the Trash.
Some of Rob's cousins feasting |
Robbie outside with the big boys |
One of these days we WILL get a good pic of the 3 of them |
Sam and Hanna playing-so fun to see them finally start to interact |
Each year my Aunt Susan makes homemade rolls for Thanksgiving and since we weren't going to be there to enjoy them, I took my first go at them. Overall, they turned out well-I was quite proud of myself.
Robbie helping me with rolls |
Friday morning we took the long trek to St. James to visit my Dad's family. It is one of the only times of the year I get to see some of his family that lives in Ohio, so I didn't want to miss seeing them. Also, my Grandma Hutcheson turned 92! on Thursday, so we wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday. Friday evening we had dinner with everyone and Saturday morning my Grandma took us all to the town diner for breakfast.
Robbie had a great time on this trip to St. James. My cousin Nathan has a 4 year old daughter, Ella, that he had a blast playing with. On Friday evening, they literally ran circles around my cousin's house for 25 minutes--they had so much fun, I was exhausted from watching.
Playing Aunt Susan's piano |
Robbie sitting at the kid table at breakfast |
The boys with "Nana-Great"-my Grandma |
Saturday after breakfast we headed to Jefferson City for the annual McVey Family Christmas. My mom is one of 8 kids, so they have always done Christmas as a family on a weekend other than Christmas. It is always so wonderful to see all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. I feel so blessed to come from such a big family with such a wonderful tradition.
Robbie making crafts that my Grandma brought for the kids |
Late Saturday evening we headed home so we could have all of Sunday to recover and get some things done. It was a great weekend filled with family. I am such a lucky woman--I have a supportive and loving husband, 2 amazing boys and a wonderful family. There is so much to be thankful for and I could not ask for more.
The 3 most wonderful men in my life |