Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Change of Plans

As most know, we have been planning for a while to build a house-we've owned our lot for 15 months, bought floor plans and picked a builder. All we were doing was waiting for spring so we could break ground. But...over the past little while we have been doing some thinking and have decided to make a change--WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!

It's been a big decision to decide not to build, but ultimately we think it is the best. Financially it is smarter, it puts us in a house 9 months sooner and we will be in a neighborhood that will have more kids for the boys to play with.

It's a great house-2 story with a Craftsman-style finish. We are having them finish the basement so it is 60 days until we close. March 8th it is ours and we couldn't be more excited!

Our new house!


  1. Yea! I'm so excited for you guys! We thought about building before we bought the house we are in now, but changed our minds after I saw all the decisions we'd have to make! Ha!
