Thursday, July 21, 2011

Robbie Goes to School

We have been very lucky for the past 2 years and my father and sister-in-law have watched Robbie on the days both of us have worked.  With Robbie getting to an age that he needs some more interaction with kids and with the addition of Sam; we are going to be sending the boys to school when I go back to work.

Knowing this is going to be a big transition for Robbie, last week we started sending him one day a week so he could start getting used to it.  And because I love any excuse to shop, I ordered Robbie the cutest backpack EVER!  It is so little-perfect Robbie size.  Of course he has no desire to wear it, he just carries it by the handle.  None the less; I LOVE it.

Robbie and his "ack-ack"
So far the transition has been a little rough. His first day he was sad through out the day, his second day he cried when I left but had a good day and today was full on hysterics when I dropped him off.  I know it will take some time and eventually he will get used to it and I'm sure even look forward to it.  It is still brutal as a Mom to be dropping your child off while they are crying and screaming.  I sure hope this part doesn't last too long!

One more picture, because it pretty much sums up his feelings about school so far.


  1. Poor guy!! It will get easier each day!

  2. Oh, the beginning of school fun for the new student or the mommy! We went through that too with Alex almost two years ago now, and he had the same backpack (except his had Alex on it, not Robbie!).

    I'm so excited for you guys and your new addition (how did I not even know you were pregnant, I'm so out of the loop!). Love the blog!

    Love you, friend!
