Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baby Sam

I realized most of my posts have been about my eldest child, so I thought I should probably give an update on Sam and post some new pictures.

He is 6 weeks old this week-I can't believe how fast it is going.  He is growing so fast-I had to take him to the doctor for his reflux last week and he weighed 10lb 11oz!  We are up to 5 or 6 hours at night, which is awesome for Mama.

As I just mentioned, the poor baby has reflux (Robbie did too).  Its been a pretty difficult to control so far-we are trying our third medication tonight and switched formulas last week.  I'm really hoping this new med (Prevacid) helps, I hate seeing him uncomfortable.

I am starting to realize that I am one of those Mom's that have a tons of pictures of my first child and none of subsequent kids.  But I have managed to take some, here are a few:

Sitting up-clearly not happy about it
Finally caught a smile!

Love those cheeks

Playing with cousin Hanna (only 9 days apart!)

Big boy!
By the way-Rob wanted me to name this post 'Summer of Sam'-creepy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Robbie Goes to School

We have been very lucky for the past 2 years and my father and sister-in-law have watched Robbie on the days both of us have worked.  With Robbie getting to an age that he needs some more interaction with kids and with the addition of Sam; we are going to be sending the boys to school when I go back to work.

Knowing this is going to be a big transition for Robbie, last week we started sending him one day a week so he could start getting used to it.  And because I love any excuse to shop, I ordered Robbie the cutest backpack EVER!  It is so little-perfect Robbie size.  Of course he has no desire to wear it, he just carries it by the handle.  None the less; I LOVE it.

Robbie and his "ack-ack"
So far the transition has been a little rough. His first day he was sad through out the day, his second day he cried when I left but had a good day and today was full on hysterics when I dropped him off.  I know it will take some time and eventually he will get used to it and I'm sure even look forward to it.  It is still brutal as a Mom to be dropping your child off while they are crying and screaming.  I sure hope this part doesn't last too long!

One more picture, because it pretty much sums up his feelings about school so far.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Dark

It took a few days to come to this conclusion, but Robbie is afraid of the dark.  It started Wednesday night when he was fighting going to bed-we just thought he was overly tired.  After several trips to his room, telling to go back to bed, I pulled out my no fail trick.  I turned on our video monitor, which has a 'talk-back' feature so that I can talk to him through the monitor.  This ALWAYS works to get him to go back to bed--I think he thinks I'm the voice of God and he must obey.  The next time he turned on his light and started to get out of bed, I told him through the monitor to go to sleep.  He listened this time, laid his head down and went to sleep-leaving his light on.  I didn't think much of it and turned it off on our way to bed.  This same story repeated itself Thursday night.  I still didn't think too much of it until we had the following conversation while putting him down for his nap on Friday:

R: "No lights"
Me: "I'll turn them off"
R: Whimpering begins, "Lights off"
Me: " I know Bud, I'll get them." turning off the light
R:  Now beginning to cry, "Nooooo, lights off"
Me: "They are off."
R: Hysterically crying at this point, "Lights off."
Me: Now totally confused, "They are off, do you mean you want the lights on?"
R: Still crying, "No lights; lights off"
Me: Turning the lights on, "Is this what you want?"
R: Slowing the crying, "Yes"

I came away from this conversation with two conclusions: my son clearly has 'on' and 'off' confused and he is officially afraid of the dark.  Thus he has slept with his overhead light on for every nap and night since then.  We've tried a night light and a lamp, neither of which make him happy.  He must have the 'big' light on.

I feel bad for the poor kid, and hate to think of him being scared.  I'm hoping this is just a short-lived phase caused by all the changes with Baby Sam.  He's done amazing with the addition of Sam, I shouldn't be surprised its causing some change in him.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sam is 1 month old!

Can't believe how fast the first month went!  I'm pretty sure I'll wake up in the morning and he is going to be one.

Life As We Know It

Robbie is a full-fledged 2 year old and all the things that come with it.
Robbie's 2 yr picture

He talks a TON, makes us laugh constantly and pitches tantrums like a real pro (I know what your thinking--"How can a kid that cute throw a tantrum?"--you'd be surprised). He is also an incredible big brother to our newest addition Samuel James.  

Sam was born 6/13/11 at 1157am weighing 8 lbs and 21.25 inches long.
Samuel James
He is a sweet baby boy that has already won our hearts.  He is starting to sleep better, up to 4 to 5 hours at a time, and is staying awake more during the days.  We are so blessed to have him, but I sure forgot how hard it was to have a baby around!

A few more pictures from Sam's birth:

Robbie meeting Sam for the first time

Our first family photo

Our precious Baby Sam

Thursday, July 14, 2011

And so it begins...

For a long time, I have been thinking about starting a blog.  Before Robbie was born I opened a Blogspot account, but decided I didn't have the time (I'm not sure what makes me think I have it now!).  About a year and a half ago I got as far as putting a picture up and trying to decide on a name; however, deciding on a name proved to be too difficult.  Now the time is right--I will make time, I decided on a name, and have plenty of material.  Hope you enjoy!