Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween will not go down as our best.  Poor Robbie was sick with a fever of 103-104 degrees for 5 days leading up to Halloween.   His worse day, by far, was Halloween, and after 3 visits to the doctor they finally diagnosed him with strep throat and put him on an antibiotic-by the next day he was a whole new kid.  But needless to say we didn't get to take part in any real festivities-we had to miss his Halloween Party at school and we didn't get to go Trick-or-Treating.  However, being the pain-in-the-ass mother that I am, I still made them get into their costumes-twice!

The cutest monkey and banana I've ever seen
My little monkey 
The sweetest banana EVER!
We first had them get dressed up on Sunday at my in-laws.  Rob and his sister both had to work on Halloween, so we did Halloween with his family then.

My boys and their cousin Hanna

Miss Hanna as a cat
 On Halloween we went to my parents so that they could see them in their costumes.

With Nana and Gramps

Poor monkey--look at those sick eyes

A very tired banana


  1. So glad they diagnosed him with something! Antibiotics will work wonders on strep...glad he'e feeling better! They were so cute!!!
