I'm a few days late on this post, but its been a crazy week. Sam is 5 months old! Unfortuantely for him, he rang in the 13th with a cold that turned out to be an ear infection--poor guy. After a few days on antibiotics he seems to be doing much better.
OMG! I'm 5 months old! |
Sam continues to grow at such an amazing rate. It is flying by far faster than Robbie's early months did. He continues to be a sweet, happy, loving baby. He is currently drooling like a fool, so I'm thinking/hoping we are about to get our first tooth. He is starting to support himself more, so I imagine by this time next month we will be sitting unsupported for a little bit. He's not rolling over yet-though he is darn close. If this was my first baby, I would probably be freaking out that he hasn't yet, but honestly the longer he is non-mobile the better. I already run around like a mad women-a second child that moves is really going to turn things up.
Sam started solids this month. He seems to be slowly getting the hang of it and is enjoying it more now that we have moved past just rice cereal. So far he has had rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots and banana. I am trying to make my own baby food (except the cereal), so I made my first batch of carrots this week. They turned out pretty good--they look so much better than the jarred food and taste pretty good too. I'm sure I won't make everything, but I'm at least going to try for basic, plain veggies and fruits.
Our first go at cereal |
Are you ready for some football? |
Such a handsome boy |
Trying out the walker for the first time. |
Playing in his highchair |
I have no words for you except for "really" making your own baby food.